The graduates from Kadir Has University may make use of the services and facilities offered by the Information Center by physically visiting the Campus under the scope of “Graduate Membership”.

Counseling – Information – Orientation 

The graduates are allowed to participate in the training and orientation programs planned to provide information concerning the services and facilities offered by the Information Center.


A graduate may make use of the printed and electronic collections of the Information Center by means of physically visiting the campus.

A graduate who is also a HASMED member is allowed to receive the loan services limited to the numbers and periods indicated below:

CollectionNumberLoan PeriodTime Extension
Book530 daysOne time
DVD57 daysOne time
Periodical57 daysOne time

A graduate who is also a HASMED member may carry out the loan and return procedures by means of physically visiting the campus or upon their request, the resources requested by them are sent by a carrier to their address, on the condition that the carrier fee is paid by them.

A delay penalty of TL 1/day is imposed for each source of information delayed and returned not in due time. A request from a person who is currently in failure to return a source in due time is to be suspended.

The sources in the reserve (course) collection may not be borrowed.

Publication Provision-Purchase

A graduate who is also a HASMED member may make a recommendation for the purchase of a source of information for the collections of the Information Center. The Information Center assesses these recommendations in line with the Collection Development Policy and, informs the requester accordingly.

Inter Library Loan and Document Exchange

A graduate is not entitled to the Inter Library Loan and Document Exchange Service.

Reproduction – Photocopy

They may make use of the reproduction services by means of paying the price thereof to the extent permitted by the applicable copyrights. You may contact HASCOPY for detailed information in this respect.

Access to Electronic Sources

All the graduates may access the electronic sources and databases, for which the Information Center is a subscriber, only inside the campus pursuant to the applicable license agreements.

A graduate who is also a HASMED member is free to access the EBSCO Discovery Service, an academic search engine. A graduate who is also a HASMED member may use this service for searches. Their requests for 10 sources of information per month are to be fulfilled to the extent permitted by the applicable license agreements on the condition that they inform about the sources they need.

Please click here for the HASMED Membership Form.